Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Neglected Blog...

I have to admit that I have not been on here in a quick second. But I have a good reason why.I have been super busy.I promise I will post something worth reading in the next couple of days.....

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I am sitting here and that is exactly how I feel. I am trying to pin point one particular thing could be of interest of my thoughts. But I cant come up with anything. I really hate that feeling... Wish I had more to say but all I am getting is BLAH...BLAH..BLAH...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Words From The Wisdom

If you don't take care of your business or self, both will take care of you. If you go through life with no plan, you find yourself living a life with no options....

Monday, May 3, 2010

Double Standard 101

Picture two seats side by side that are in the color scheme of black and white. Now picture two individuals in these two seats, you pick the sides that they are seated on. I pick R for the male and L for the women. As you look at this image everything looks equal as a whole, right? but keep in mind that this is just from the look of things. Now let’s take things a little further,” why we are picturing to individuals in these seats"? The reason: these two individuals are single, **they say, when meeting someone you know in a few minutes of meeting them, if you would like things to move forward with this person. So moving forward the two have established that there is interest on both parts. Women fail to realize but at this point this is when it starts. I know you are wondering what I am referring to, well it is the start of the” double standard". Most women go into something three ways bitter, open or guarded. But most are open, willing and ready to see where things go. In my dating experience I have grown to know that men definitely don’t think like women, but that’s nothing new. So those three ways don’t pertain to a male at all. For most men meeting a woman at the age that is between 20-29 look at things from a just for fun view. I think that most women consider the fact that if a guy wants something with her than it will be. But why is that why cant I have my intentions within the relationships and pursue things in the order that I would like as long as the pursuit is at a reasonable pace.But we all know it doesn't work that way.I believe women are not given a fair shot right from the beginning. A woman finds herself having to prove that she isn’t this or that while a man doesn’t prove anything but what is in his DNA. Most women have to come into something accepting a man for who he is, so why not accept me for who I am and the way that I would like things to be. I sometimes look at modern dating as a circus. The structure of the way things have come to be is just pure entertainment. There is definitely a chemical imbalance; I know that it will take a while for things to balance but to get the balance we have to decode "double standards" from the way things are done….

Sunday, May 2, 2010

I Can't Call It

I think that women go through so many different situations where it gets to the point that women really don't know "how to call it" when dealing with the next man. I am in a position where I have been meeting a lot of potential men and it just doesn't ever seem to make sense. We all come to understand that Males and Females have different thoughts on how things are. Ex. You meet a man he invites you out for a outing conversations is good and it seems things are cool for meeting someone new. A women will leave thinking wow this is a guy that I could see something slowly working into a good friendship. A man will leave not thinking anything of that night but what it was,an outing with a women.I find it interesting how men are selective to the order of things depending on the women. I am not particular when it comes to the order of things but does the order of things really matter?That is definitely a big question.When men say just be honest, do they really mean it ? When a man says look I am not judging you, is he saying that but still judging you? Why cant things just be simple if there is a interest you entertain for the reason of knowing that I have to be open to the possibility of meeting someone to have a fair shot .But the reality is that now of days you deal with so much you really just can't call it.....

Saturday, May 1, 2010

In The Moment I Had Thought

So I am sitting here watching the movie he's just not that into you a movie that that tries to navigate through the complexities of modern relationships. It's from the white point of view but past the color line it has topics that are definitely similar. So there is this one character that is desperate which is obvious. The reason for her going out is to meet someone and hopefully that lucky someone. Instead of women obligating the night before it starts an idea would be to just try not meeting someone and enjoying the moment of what it is, approaching the night expecting a good time as the only thing in return. If most women would stop putting timers on what should and shouldn’t the results of what they want would make more sense in the end......

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Virgo Facts by Zodiac Facts

-Virgos are highly intelligent and many people look up to a Virgo.They are straight thinkers and problem solvers
-Virgos love getting mushy in public
-A Virgo can say all the right words to make you feel better at the end of the day
-A Virgo sometimes finds it hard to show their love.
-Love a Virgo and believe that in return you will receive everything you wanted in a partner from them
-Virgos are rather too self-centered for the high types of disinterested friendship
-A Virgos secret Desire:To love and be loved in return
-A Virgo Life Pursuit:To do the right thing
-Virgos pay special attention to words and to things happening around them so be careful what you say
-Virgos enjoy studying a situation in great detail, whether its a work project of friendship
-Virgos are the worriers of the Zodiac
-Virgos are more followers than leaders(I beg to differ that)
-Virgos crave for true love and finding that special someone with that"It" factor
-A Virgo will but up a fight in a relationship
-Very reliable and punctual those born under the Virgo sun sign will be easy to count on.
-Oddly, the more a Virgo like you,the more shy they behave around you
-Sexually, a Virgo women must feel appreciated for her hard work and devotion to the family before wanting to indulge
-A Virgo women has to make her love-mate realize about the impractical nature for their compatibility to work well
-Virgo women expect their mate to be well groomed, updated and informed about current events
-A Virgo needs a person who completely at ease in bed and who can excite him/her to the highest level
-A Virgo needs a person who is secure and who can take the initiative to communicate sexual and romantic feelings