Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Virgo Facts by Zodiac Facts

-Virgos are highly intelligent and many people look up to a Virgo.They are straight thinkers and problem solvers
-Virgos love getting mushy in public
-A Virgo can say all the right words to make you feel better at the end of the day
-A Virgo sometimes finds it hard to show their love.
-Love a Virgo and believe that in return you will receive everything you wanted in a partner from them
-Virgos are rather too self-centered for the high types of disinterested friendship
-A Virgos secret Desire:To love and be loved in return
-A Virgo Life Pursuit:To do the right thing
-Virgos pay special attention to words and to things happening around them so be careful what you say
-Virgos enjoy studying a situation in great detail, whether its a work project of friendship
-Virgos are the worriers of the Zodiac
-Virgos are more followers than leaders(I beg to differ that)
-Virgos crave for true love and finding that special someone with that"It" factor
-A Virgo will but up a fight in a relationship
-Very reliable and punctual those born under the Virgo sun sign will be easy to count on.
-Oddly, the more a Virgo like you,the more shy they behave around you
-Sexually, a Virgo women must feel appreciated for her hard work and devotion to the family before wanting to indulge
-A Virgo women has to make her love-mate realize about the impractical nature for their compatibility to work well
-Virgo women expect their mate to be well groomed, updated and informed about current events
-A Virgo needs a person who completely at ease in bed and who can excite him/her to the highest level
-A Virgo needs a person who is secure and who can take the initiative to communicate sexual and romantic feelings

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