Sunday, April 25, 2010

Free Spirit Nights

Many would look at this piece of art and think to themselves that this isn't art it makes no sense but to me it makes great sense it examples free spirit. That is how my night was on last night. My friend was celebrating her 27 birthday at a popular club that I have always been curious of how it is. Well we started the night with laughter’s in the cab and from there it would be no turning back once dropped off. Walking straight in with no problem we were escorted to our table where a bottle of goose awaits. Poured the 1st round of drinks and toasted to a wonderful night ahead. Instantly as the beat filled the club with many hot songs I was just dancing my heart out with my girls and fun guys. Vegas bombs on deck what more could you as for. I love being able to dance like no one is watching because that is what dance is expressed to be. Me being a African women you normally gravitate to the black clubs, but when you go to those club as soon as you approach the line you are being judge from head to toe. When you make it into the club you walk around maybe once grab a drink at the bar and you look left or right and there is someone piercing there eyes and sizing you up. You take a look at the dance floor but not many are dancing. But lets go back to the reason on why you decide to go out in the 1st place to have a good time, but when I leave most urban nights I don't feel that way. Last night was the definition of what a fun night should consist of and those are the nights that I live for. Dancing to the point when the next day rolls around you are trying to figure why in the heck do my legs hurt take a moment and think all because of last night, it was so worth it. Fog machines that go off at the hype point of the club and blow a gush of cold that makes you have not choice but to get even more excited. In sum a night with all walks of life in a room with one mission of having a good time now that definitely concludes free spirit nights at its best.

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